With conferences come community. My favorite academic conferences in a descending order:
For an up-to-date list of academic paper I co-authored, go to Google Scholar.
BTW If you’re applying for the Alien With Extraordinary Ability visa, need a list of all papers that cited you, and don’t want to flip through pages of google scholar, I wrote a little python script to do just that.
Conference papers
Vote With Your Feet: Street-Sourced Answers To Crowd-Sourced Questions
C Xu, C Yang, MP Weller, Z Peng
ACM CHI 2017 [PDF]
Corona: Positioning adjacent device with asymmetric bluetooth low energy rssi distributions
H Jin, C Xu, K Lyons
ACM UIST 2015 175-179 [PDF]
PneuHaptic: delivering haptic cues with a pneumatic armband
L He, C Xu, D Xu, R Brill
ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2015 [PDF]
Sharing (and discussing) the moment: The conversations that occur around shared mobile media
YY Chen, F Bentley, C Holz, C Xu
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services 264-273 [PDF]
Shimmering smartwatches: Exploring the smartwatch design space
C Xu, K Lyons
ACM TEI 2015 [PDF]
Tactile display for the visually impaired using TeslaTouch
C Xu, A Israr, I Poupyrev, O Bau, C Harrison
ACM CHI 2011 317-322 [PDF]
Interactive fabrication: new interfaces for digital fabrication
KDD Willis, C Xu, KJ Wu, G Levin, MD Gross
ACM TEI 2011 [PDF]
Interactive paper devices: end-user design & fabrication
G Saul, C Xu, MD Gross
ACM TEI 2010 [PDF]
workshop papers
Do Silhouettes Dream?
Y Kalantidis, C Xu, C Mellina
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition 2017 [PDF]
Make your own piccolo
G Saul, T Rorke, H Peng, C Xu
ACM TEI 2013 [PDF]
Weather-in-a-Box: Exploring Physical Representations of Internet Information
F Bentley, C Xu
CHI 2016 Workshop on Attending to Objects as Outcomes of Design Research [PDF]